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Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!
Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!

WEBINAR: Following Up With Franchise Leads

In this webinar, FranchiseHelp's Eli Robinson discusses best practices for following up with franchise leads, and get to Step Three of online franchise lead generation: Turning Leads into Candidates.

Following up with leads - emails, texts, and call strategy

  • Two key concepts to quantify your followup process:

    • Your Franchise's Funnel: How do people move through your sales process?
    • Real Costs: What are the hard and soft costs of contacting leads?
  • The most (and least) important ways you should reach out to your leads.

    • From emails to calls to texts, all the way to direct mail.
  • The number one thing you can do to increase conversion rates is by following up with your leads immediately.

    • When at all possible, call your leads within one minute.
    • Conversion rates drastically within minutes.
  • Continue to follow up with a combination of calls, texts, and emails. Leads are never "dead".
  • Plus: see how we're testing real franchisors' followup strategies.
How FranchiseHelp Modernized Entrepreneur’s Tech Infrastructure to Connect Brands With Potential Owners

Entrepreneur approached us several years ago to help build on their existing capabilities and accelerate growth for the franchising arm of their publication. Here are their results, and the lessons we've learned.

2017 Franchise Development Report

FranchiseHelp's 2017 analysis on the state of Franchise Development in the US

Exactly How One Woman Got from a Bing Search to a LashDip Discovery Day Using FranchiseHelp

As part of our ongoing communication with our customers here at FranchiseHelp, we always do our best to collect success stories, so we can optimize our franchise lead generation process.