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AIM Mail Centers
AIM Mail Centers combine the four major shipment services, FedEx, DHL USPS, and UPS in all of their locations for your convenience and choice. Customers also enjoy services such as on-site notaries, editors and proof readers. AIM Mail centers goal is to be a one-stop office supplier for small businesses, which is why besides all of the above services they also have printers, faxes and any office supplies you might need.
Facts & figures
AIM Mail Centers are owned by Annex Brands
AIM Mail Centers Franchise Opportunities - History
Established in 1985 in Irvine, California AIM Mail Centers are an office mail room, copy room, and last minute office supply shop in one. There are now over 60 locations in the United States providing help for small businesses, local business, or even just day-to-day business needs. AIM Mail branched out in hopes of spreading its belief in customer service excellence throughout the United States. Franchise owners are encouraged to promote team work and putting the customer first.
AIM Mail Centers Franchise Cost / Initial Investment / AIM Mail Centers
Franchise Income
A requirement of $120,000-192,000 is the initial capital investment. The cost of an AIM Mail Center is $150,000 to 200,000.
AIM Mail Centers Franchise Business Opportunities: Other Information
AIM Mail Centers are ideal for potential franchise owners that are interested in building a focused team of employees. Hires should range in expertise from shipping, to copy machines, to editing. The investment in AIM Mail Centers is one that has huge growth potential. As home businesses begin to rise, and corporate spending continues to look for ways to cut costs, the convenience of AIM shipping centers are more likely to be a lucrative franchise