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Huge Profit Potential
Huge Profit Potential offers the potential for anyone to generate a substantial income. All it takes is the burning desire for success and the willingness to follow a simple plan. This business model purposely focuses on the 8.9 Billion Dollar Self Development Industry. People from all walks of life will pack an auditorium to hear from some Guru on how to improve one’s health, weight, relationships, finances, etc. and the list goes on and on. What Huge Profit Potential provides is the opportunity to tap into that market. Market data is projecting that the total market will grow to over $11 billion by 2008.
Facts & figures
Huge Profit Potentialoffers the potential for anyone to generate a substantial income. All it takes is the burning desire for success and the willingness to follow a simple plan.
This business model purposely focuses on the 8.9 Billion Dollar Self Development Industry. People from all walks of life will pack an auditorium to hear from some Guru on how to improve one’s health, weight, relationships, finances, etc. and the list goes on and on. WhatHuge Profit Potential provides is the opportunity to tap into that market. Market data is projecting that the total market will grow to over $11 billion by 2008.
Do you Have a Business Owner Mindset?
You want to take control of your life instead of working for someone else. You are driven and self motivated. You understand that to run a business it takes effort and you don’t get something for nothing. You are not looking for handouts, but you are looking for the right business model. You are able to put forth effort of at least 24 hours per week. You are a steward of your money. You are in control of your finances.
Do You Have a Burning Desire for Change in Your Life?
You are fed up with making other companies millions of dollars. You are tired of spinning your wheels on a business startup that has not been successful. You have never had the chance to work for yourself because you have to stay home and raise your children. You just haven’t found the right business model that fits your lifestyle. You are absolutely unemployable because you cannot stand to work for someone else. You are successful, but you don’t have time to enjoy your success because you have to work too many hours.
Are You Coachable and Trainable?
Are you willing to follow a simple system? Are you willing to take advice from those who have come before you who generate executive level pay month after month from home?
Essential Qualities of Applicants
Leadership is key. Ability to speak on the phone is critical. Substantial desire to improve all aspects of your life is needed.
Requirements & Work Setting
- Phone, Computer, and Internet Access (No cold calling, ever)
- Work from home, anytime of the day or night
- Work from anywhere in the world where there is phone coverage or internet access
Current open markets with Huge Profit Potential are United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia. Plans are already in process to expanding to more countries throughout 2007 & 2008.
The timing is perfect. The dream of living the life you have always desired and in your heart knew you were meant for is waiting for you. Do you want it or not? The choice is yours. Take action today.