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Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!
Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!

An A/B Test That Shows the Value of Color

For part of our franchise selection experience, we use a “jumper” as one of our calls to action. Essentially when a user selects one of the franchises on our category pages, a bar “jumps” down from the top of the page to ask them to take them to a lead form:

FranchiseHelp Category Page Example Jumper

We thought that the gray we originally used for the jumper may have been a bit blah. We really needed a user’s eyes to jump to the top of the page, so we ran a test where we sent 1/3 of each of our traffic to a webpage coded up with a jumper of a different color.

Control (Gray):

FranchiseHelp Sample Gray Jumper

Test 1 (Bright Yellow):

FranchiseHelp Sample Yellow Jumper

Test 2 (Sky Blue):

FranchiseHelp Sample Blue Jumper

Any guesses as to which one won? (Ok, you could definitely cheat by looking at our website...)

Here were the results:

Jumper Color Split Test Results

Can you believe it? 30% higher conversions from people who were shown the bright yellow.

Can you imagine having a 30% more efficient strategy simply by changing the color of something? The answer is YES!

Have a question about this A/B Test or A/B Testing in general? Click here to ask us a question.

It's Franchise "Buying" not "Selling"

Recently, we came across this video from the Franchise Performance Group on how we need to think about franchise lead generation from the perspective of franchise “buying” rather than the usual tactics of franchise “sales.” We hope you enjoy:

Should My Franchise Advertise On Linkedin?

While the entire thing may appear as gobbledygook to most, essentially Scott is trying to give a single snapshot of all of the major players in the online marketing space. As you’ll see, he breaks down the landscape into categories such as “Experiences,” “Operations,” “Platforms” and more.

Franchisors & Private Equity Firms, Part 2: Smart Documentation

We’ve spent the last several years investing in franchises, working with private equity partners and helping educate people about this process, and wanted to share several insights about one of our favorite nerdy but profitable pieces of franchising: documentation.