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Call my franchise leads at 11 PM? What?

It goes without saying that the most important practice in terms of lead follow-up is that speed is key. As soon as that lead hits your inbox, CRM, etc. follow up fast.

However, beyond that, the question remains about what time of day leads are most likely to respond.

Recently, lead experts Velocify published some fantastic material about this exact question.

What they were concerned with was the fact that the majority of sales organizations staff around a traditional work week (Monday - Friday, 9 to 5 EST).

Here's what they found:

Velocify Hourly Response Time Results

You're reading that right. Leads that come come in at 11PM and responded to immediately have a 94% advantage as far as conversion rate relative to the average!

(If you're like me, you're envisioning someone sitting on his/her couch with nothing better to do from 9-11PM! What else are they going to do expect for answer their telephone.)

Additionally, they found that Saturday is the best day of the week in terms of lead conversion:

Velocify Saturday Response Results

Based on these findings, it's very important to think about your follow-up strategy 24/7 rather than just your typical work week. Don't let high quality leads go stale waiting on 9AM!

Wanna learn more about follow up strategies, check out our Step 3 Intro, else shoot us a note and we're happy to help!

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What is Split (A/B) Testing?

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Our best email of 2015 – And what it teaches us

Well, for 2015 I’m happy to report that we’re probably going to end up sending well over 100 million emails! And that only means that we’ve learned more about how potential franchisees interact with email.