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WEBINAR: Things to Consider When Designing Your Franchise's Website

In this webinar, FranchiseHelp's Eli Robinson discusses how you should think about what your franchise's website should look like. This is how we achieve Step Two of online franchise lead generation: Turning Visitors into Leads.

How to decide what your franchise website looks like

  • Once a visitor is on your website, how do you get their contact info?

    • How do you know if you're doing a good job or not?
  • Tracking is how you'll know whether you're moving in the right direction

    • Conversion rate: how many of your visitors take the action you want them to?
    • Cost Per Action (CPA): how much money do you spend for each action completed?
  • Your Contact Form

    • What fields do you absolutely need to have on your form? Keep it short and sweet
  • The Fold: the part of a webpage that is visible without scrolling

    • Make sure the most important content and CTA's are front and center on your website
  • A/B Testing: a method for testing changes to your website

    • Before you roll out a change on your website, test both versions and see which one gives you better results
    • You can test colors, copy, photos, contact forms, etc.
  • Mobile

    • More people are visiting your website on mobile than ever before. Make sure your website works on mobile devices!
When Should You Send Email To Potential Franchisees

Frankly, if your franchise hasn't thought about your email send times, you're probably losing out. As you'll see below, what time of day you send email can make a pretty significant difference in the amount and type of engagement you get.

An Email Autoresponder That Didn't Work and Why

One of the best places to work on improving your conversion rates is the e-mail auto-responder.

How to Meet New Franchise Leads With Email Blasts (Without Getting Crushed By Spam Filters)

How does your franchise create brand new, unique content for your campaigns? And how do you optimize email creative for inbox delivery, engagement, and conversion? Here are our tips!