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FranchiseHelp Announces 2020 Franchise Award Winners

FranchiseHelp is thrilled to present our second annual top franchise awards!

These rankings include gold, silver and bronze winners for several categories, including profitability, growth, top established, top emerging and top overall franchises. Established winners have over five years in operation. Profitability looks at buy in and earning potential.

With numerous franchisors submitting their information for the ranking, we believe the winners are a true testament to the strongest companies and trends in franchising.

Naturally, our goal for the past 25 years of our existence has been to celebrate all franchises. But as a leading comprehensive resource center for prospective franchisees, we used our vast experience, expertise, and of course, proprietary data, to evaluate the strength of franchise opportunities provided today.

Some key factors that went into our evaluation include, but are not limited to:

  • Cost & Fees Liquid Capital Requirement, Franchise Fee, Royalty fees
  • Size & Growth Growth rate, closures, years in operation
  • Franchise Disclosure Document Item 19 disclosures
  • Support Marketing Support, Operational Support, Training

You can see the full list of winners here!

Meanwhile, some parting words from FranchiseHelp President, Anna Flowers:

“This has been a particularly challenging year for all of us in the Franchise industry, and it has highlighted the tremendous resilience of Franchising. This year’s FranchiseHelp Award Winners are an outstanding group of Franchisors who have risen to the challenge. Potential franchisees should look very closely at these brands as they look to join a strong and supportive franchise business that can weather a storm.”

What is a Franchise?

Most of you are probably already familiar with franchises. You may even patronize a variety of franchised businesses without realising that they are franchises. These businesses range from car servicing and financial services to yogurt and home repairs. According to the International Franchise Association(IFA) franchises employed nearly 9,000,000 Americans in 2015 and generated nearly $880 billion. Franchising is difficult to escape.

Should Emerging Brands Work With A Franchise Development Company?

Considering how challenging it can be to franchise a business, going the route of a franchise development firm can help an emerging brand without taking as big of a financial risk.

What Would You Do with $25,000?

Have you ever had one of those days when you were just kind of fantasizing about what you would do if you had a crazy amount of money? I had one of those a couple of weeks back when I was looking for a new apartment. I decided to go onto an NYC realty site and take a look at what paying an absurd amount of rent gets you in the city. I was looking and came across one for $25,000 a month (and that’s nowhere near the top end) and just had to laugh. Of all the things you could do with $25,000 - paying one month’s rent on an apartment seems pretty nuts to me. But that got me thinking, what can you do with $25,000 - from rational to fun to downright wacky.