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Minority, Women Entrepreneurs Find More Opportunity in Franchise World

While there are many risks and hurdles involved in starting a new business, there are also many rewards. If you’re ready to start it up, but aren’t in the position (financially or otherwise) to risk it all in starting something new, you may consider franchising. Franchising offers many benefits to aspiring entrepreneurs, especially to minorities and women, who are seeing more opportunities in the franchise world in recent years.

According to data derived from the U.S. Census by the Small Business Administration, franchising trends show that minorities now own 21.1 percent of franchises with at least five workers, up from 15.8 percent 10 years ago.

StartupNation contributor Steve Friess, dives further into the study, and shares a personal story of a woman who wanted to start her own business and found success through franchising. The article also cites various surveys and research metrics related to minority entrepreneurship and small business. 

Read the full article here.

12 Questions You Must Ask When You Interview Existing Franchisees

Even the most honest and forthcoming franchisor can’t tell you what it’s like to be a franchisee. You should take the time to call existing franchisees and get some candid answers to your questions. Be careful that you don’t get a limited list of hand-picked contacts. It would be a waste of time to talk only to the most successful operators or those who are coached to give the “right” answers. Calling franchisees at random will give you the clearest picture of what you’re getting into. Here are some questions you should ask.

Common Mistakes Made By the Franchisor Buyer During the Due Diligence Investigation

Franchise merger and acquisition talks always start with the best of intentions. After all, a well-executed franchise system merger can lead to enhanced scale (for increased buying power and leverage over suppliers), reduction of overhead and operating costs (through elimination of duplicate staff, departments, and locations), and increased revenue (through cross-selling of products or services, optimization of distribution channels, and bolstered brand recognition and standing in the eyes of prospective franchisees).

Steps to improve the franchisee's profitability

Topics to be covered in this strategic audit should include at a minimum these ten (10) items: