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Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!
Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!

Your Post-Career Career: Why It's Never Too Late to Become an Entrepreneur 

Not every retiree is interested in rest and relaxation. Some need the drive of work to keep them entertained and engaged with life. Though seldom discussed, there are many options for people who aren’t interested in a monotonous and unstimulating post-career life.

According to this study, 47% of retiree's say that they have worked, or planned to work in retirement, and 72% of pre-retirees age 50+ say they want to continue working into retirement. But  51% of employed American's are actively looking for a new job. Retirees are often continuing their current job, even one they may not love or may be overqualified for, simply because they aren't aware that there are other options out there.

Many think that by the time you’re considering retirement, you’ve past the point of being able to open a business, but 

                                 it’s never too late to become an entrepreneur

Franchising a business is a perfect option for those getting near to the end of their career, or just those looking to reinvent their lives. The feeling that franchising a business is out-of-reach is outdated and untrue, on the contrary, it’s not too hard to get started.

There are different levels of involvement for different types of franchises. There are franchises that you can run in your spare time, for example, Naturals2Go. Owning this type of franchise means owning a vending machine full of healthy snacks. This is an easily scalable business that can expand with your interest, and how much you put into it. A perfect opportunity for those looking to simply diversify their business holdings.

Other franchise options are more committal, something you’d need to invest much more time and energy into. For this second avenue of franchising, it’d function like a second career. A restart for those with the hunger to work hard and devote more time towards the success of their business. This would be more like a Dickey’s Barbeque Pit®. This is one of many examples of restaurant franchises that are available for franchising.

Owning a franchise is one of the most promising post-career careers out there. Instead of a drab life of endless repetition, you could run a business all of your own. If and when the business gets to be too much for just you, involving your family and friends could prove a great long term solution, for you and for them. Or maybe you step away from one business, because another franchise is waiting for you just around the corner.

To see franchises in your area and budget, check out our simple, 2 minute quiz.

Why Doesn't White Castle Franchise?

The answer is actually pretty simple and proves that rabid customer loyalty and a consistent menu, while not sufficient for world-beating growth, can still take a brand a long way.

Breaking Down an FDD

Once you've found a franchise (or multiple franchises) that you are interested, the real research and diligence process begins. You need to figure out whether the franchise you are looking at really makes sense for you from a financial and lifestyle perspective. Your best source of information for all of this is the Franchise Disclosure Document, or FDD.

Minority, Women Entrepreneurs Find More Opportunity in Franchise World

While there are many risks and hurdles involved in starting a new business, there are also many rewards. If you’re ready to start it up, but aren’t in the position (financially or otherwise) to risk it all in starting something new, you may consider franchising. Franchising offers many benefits to aspiring entrepreneurs, especially to minorities and women, who are seeing more opportunities in the franchise world in recent years.