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Andy's Frozen Custard
Facts & figures
You'll need ₱500,000 in liquid capital to open an Andy's Frozen Custard franchise. Andy's Frozen Custard expects new franchisees to have a net worth of at least ₱2,000,000. A royalty payment of 6% is paid from unit owners back to the franchise. The minimum you would expect to invest in an Andy's Frozen Custard location is ₱528,500. ₱1,387,500 is the most that Andy's Frozen Custard expects its owners will need to invest in a new location. ₱32,000 is the franchise fee new Andy’s Frozen Custard franchisees pay the franchisor. Company operations commenced in 1986. New franchisees have been added to the system since 2003. There is currently a total of 25 units in operation.