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Commercial Property Consultants

Commercial Property Consultants Franchise

Commercial Property Consultants joins forces with Gary Gorman & The 1031 Exchange Experts to help you grow your cost segregation business! 1031 Exchange Experts are a group of real estate tax professionals who specialize in tax-deferred exchanges. As authors of the best selling 1031 book "Exchanging Up!" and co-authors with Rich Dad/Poor Dad and Donald Trump, they are the Nation's leading 1031 Experts.

Facts & Figures

$30,000 - $80,000


Commercial Property Consultants joins forces with Gary Gorman & The 1031 Exchange Experts to help you grow your cost segregation business! 1031 Exchange Experts are a group of real estate tax professionals who specialize in tax-deferred exchanges. As authors of the best selling 1031 book "Exchanging Up!" and co-authors with Rich Dad/Poor Dad and Donald Trump, they are the Nation's leading 1031 Experts. If you would like to see more about this opportunity, please fill out the information below, and receive the link to watch John O'Hurley speak about Commercial Property Consultants.

America's Most Significant Business OpportunityNow is the Time to Get on Board with America's Most Significant Business Opportunity Business owners always want to make smart financial decisions, regardless of the current economic climate. That's why our Cost Segregation business model is so exciting - our service is always in high demand so you will be, too!


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