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Green District

Green District Franchise

Green District is a quick service restaurant offering signature and customizable salads in a trendy, cutting-edge atmosphere. Green District locations are easy to operate and require only a small, but well-trained staff.

Facts & Figures

Liquid capital required
$243,900 - $510,400
Franchise fee

Own a Green District Franchise - Questions & Answers

What is it?

  • Retail restaurant franchise featuring salads as the core of the menu
  • Menu selections feature 11 main salads with more than 50 added ingredients to choose from

How does it make money?

  • In store sales of menu items focused around salads and healthy sides
  • Fees for catering events and meetings

Who is it for?

  • People who believe in healthy eating based around fresh vegetables and fruit
  • Someone seeking a business opportunity in the fast-growing health food industry
  • Franchisees with some background in retail food and restaurants

What would you do as a franchisee?

  • Open and oversee operation of a salad-based fast casual restaurant
  • Hire food service and management personnel as needed
  • Market the Green District brand to build steady customer base


Green District

A salad spot

About Us

Forget salads as a side dish; at Green District, they’re the main course. The popular gourmet chopped salad shop offers 11 signature salads and wraps filled with any number of nearly 50 ingredients and toppings, including freshly chopped fruits and vegetables, and lean, fresh protein selections.

Green District’s flagship location in the St. Matthews community of Louisville, Kentucky, opened in June 2017 and has generated local buzz, quickly becoming a staple for lunch and dinner. Due to popular demand, a second location opened in Louisville’s downtown district in December 2017.

Armed with knowledge and experience, Green District’s partners have set their sights on expanding the business through franchise opportunities. The Green District business model is poised for growth, with a proven track record of success and a highly-skilled operations and management team with diverse backgrounds. Green District locations are easy to operate and require only a small, but well-trained staff.


The Green District management team will offer unrivaled training and support to each franchisee as they join the Green District family. The company’s operating model is simple and has been structured with well-defined processes and reordering systems in place, allowing for ease of replication. Initial training will be held at the headquarters in Louisville.


Green District holds a great position in the franchise market with a strong operating model. The restaurant is a high-performing concept within a very lucrative and growing industry.


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