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Health Factor Weight Loss
Health Factor Weight Loss aims to help people everywhere achieve better health naturally by eating real foods and using natural supplements to curb food cravings, boost metabolism, and maintain lean muscle. Health Factor Weight Loss is based on nutritional science and a deep understanding of how the body works and spent over 10 years developing the perfect weight loss system that optimizes the body's metabolism to burn fat.
Facts & figures
Profit by helping people achieve a healthy lifestyle!
- Low Cost of Entry
- State of the Art Technology
- Turnkey Training and Marketing
Our family at Health Factor Weight Loss is eager to help people everywhere achieve better health naturally by eating real foods and using natural supplements to curb food cravings, boost metabolism, and maintain lean muscle. We offer a proven system of operations with thousands of satisfied clients who lost weight without cravings or hunger. We know how it feels and are driven by that passion to share this information with others!
Health Factor Weight Loss is based on nutritional science and a deep understanding of how the body works. We teach people to make smarter food choices for healthy weight loss. We make it easy with our proprietary line of professional grade nutritional supplements and great tasting snacks. No buying prepackaged meals. No avoiding restaurants. No counting calories. We are about weight loss in today's real world with long term results.
If you want to be an admired wellness resource in your community and help people live healthier lives, then we would love to discuss the Health Factor Weight Loss opportunity with you!
Why Health Factor Weight Loss?
- We have spent 10 years developing the perfect weight loss system that optimizes the body's metabolism to burn fat.
- Based on science and clinical evidence, we offer the ideal blend of professional grade supplements that uptick the metabolism without increasing the heart rate and allow people to eat less without hunger and cravings.
- Our program is built around real food, not prepackaged food or tasteless shakes.
- We provide you with state of the art technology, a full marketing kit, digital marketing, social media outreach and library of content.

- Nutrition and weight loss clinic
- Emphasizes a proprietary system of natural weight loss through healthy metabolism
- Clients pay directly for customized weight loss program and coaching
- Sales of company brand nutritional supplements
- People who believe in benefits of healthy weight management and in helping others maintain health weight
- Franchisees who seek a very low initial cost and overhead
- Open and staff a weight loss clinic
- Work with clients to customize weight loss plans
- Hire and manage weight loss clinicians as needed