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This opportunity is ideal for motivated, hard-working individuals who are searching for a unique business opportunity geared toward offering superior, industry-leading anti-slip products to anyone, anywhere. Training is provided, so no previous experience is necessary.
Facts & figures
Welcome to SlipDoctors™
Both young and old are susceptible to the devastation of slip-and-fall injuries. Yet there are simple and inexpensive steps that can be taken to reduce the likelihood of a devastating injury. Remember, after a fall occurs, it's too late to engage in slip-prevention. The time to prevent a fall is before it happens!
SlipDoctors has developed several methods for improving traction on tiles, stone, VCT, porcelain, concrete, ceramic, acrylic, fiberglass and most other surfaces commonly found on walking surfaces, boat decks, porcelain and fiberglass bathtubs, showers, wood - even synthetic surfaces. The application of our products is easy and should result in marked improvement in surface traction with little or no change in appearance. And the best part is the treatment is simple and inexpensive. All products are manufactured in the United States and developed by top chemists in their fields.
Why Choose SlipDoctors?
If you are considering purchasing a Non-Slip Franchise, you owe it to yourself to consider SlipDoctors. We offer packages that are reasonably priced. Training is available at our headquarters in Carrollton, Texas. We have a lead generating program that is designed to assist you in getting your business underway in the shortest possible time.
SlipDoctors continually receives reviews from users that are impressive and exciting. Our products are "Revolutionary." SlipDoctors stops accidents before they happen! We are accepting opportunities worldwide and we welcome any interested parties.
Ideal Candidate
This opportunity is ideal for motivated, hard-working individuals who are searching for a unique business opportunity geared toward offering superior, industry-leading anti-slip products to anyone, anywhere, commercial or residential. Extensive training is provided, so no previous experience is necessary. Work a little…or work a lot….it’s up to you!
- SlipDoctors sells and installs slip-free surfaces for homes and businesses
- Also offers several safety-related products
- Sales of surface-traction and safety products and services
- Anyone who wants to help others make their homes and businesses safer
- Someone who can travel to customers throughout their region
- Those able to work with tools and safety products
- Travel to homes and businesses to determine safety needs and install slip-free products
- Hire safety technicians as needed to install slip-free surfaces
- Market and promote the SlipDoctors brand to raise brand awareness