Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!
Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!
Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!

WEBINAR: Driving Traffic To Your Franchise's Website

In this webinar, FranchiseHelp's Eli Robinson explores Step One of online franchise lead generation: Acquiring Traffic.

Tell me everything you know about internet advertising

  • Some questions to consider before you start advertising online

    • Who are you targeting? Where is the click being sent? And more.
  • Six strategies for acquiring traffic on the internet

    • Search Engine Marketing (SEM):
    • Paid advertising on search result pages on sites like Google and Bing
    • Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
    • Attempting to rank highly on search result pages on sites like Google and Bing, without buying ads
    • Content Marketing:
    • Creating content to encourage people to engage with your brand
    • Social Media Marketing:
    • Advertising within a social media network, and reaching your users where they are spending time
    • Display:
    • Traditional banner image ads
    • Affiliate:
    • Partnerships with relevant websites in your industry, who will publish your content on their website and send traffic back to you
Franchisors & Private Equity Firms, Part 1: A Primer On Exponential Growth

Let's explore the relationship between private equity and franchising. This kickoff primer will set the stage for our forthcoming pieces in this love story series about documentation, cleanliness and other key tactics.

When Should You Serve Facebook Ads. AKA We Tried to Outsmart Facebook

We love Facebook ads here at FranchiseHelp. They’re a great tool to use to reach a very specific audience with a more narrative message than you can usually accomplish with search ads. But beyond that we love the details you can get out of the data and the amount you can tweak your campaigns to take advantage of all sorts of small details. That’s why we figured that Facebook would be the perfect place to run this experiment. We created a set of ten different ads and then ran each ad in 24 different adsets, one for each hour of the day. We let these ads run for a full month and believe it or not, a best time started to emerge.

Email Segmentation.... Is It a Good Idea?

It might seem obvious to say that everyone reacts to emails differently, but how do you put that into practice? Do you send different emails based on where people live? What franchise industry they’re interested in? Their current role at work? Something else altogether?