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Franchise Leadership & Development: Portal Leads VS Broker Leads 

Are you a franchisor looking for franchisees? There are different routes to take when looking for the right resources for franchise leads.

  • Portal Leads
  • Broker Leads

But first what are portal leads and broker leads, and is the best route to take for the best outcome?

Portal leads are developed in a business website that strives to provide franchisors with the best leads to find franchisees. Why are these desirable? Portals are one of the highest producing channels to receive leads. 70% of those who submit through portal websites end up at the franchisor’s site and 41% then submit again.


Now, what about broker leads? Broker leads help find the potential franchisees and match them with the correct franchising opportunities. Technically connecting a buyer and seller. Broker leads can be on the pricier side compared to website portals. Brokers tend to need to have a larger marketing spend over portal leads.

With websites like us at FranchiseHelp, we help provide the largest volume of franchise leads in the entire industry. Best-in-class lead generation from the savviest engineers, and results-driven support.

FranchiseHelp is woven into the Fabric of Franchising. 

Rebecca Holmboe Marketing Manager
Searching for the Best Franchises for Minorities

Many franchises incentivize minorities to join their systems. As president of the World Franchising Network Rob Bond puts it, these franchises "grease the skids" on behalf of minority candidates because they see value in promoting diversity among their franchisees. On account of a still-languid economy, however, many franchisors' approach has changed significantly in recent years. As Bond explains, “African Americans and Hispanics were being aggressively recruited five years ago to fill vacancies.” But today most franchisors are more concerned with trying to grease the skids for foreign investors with significant piles of investment capital.

Best Practices in Protecting and Enforcing Trademarks, Copyrights and other IP

Trademarks, copyrighted works, trade secrets and proprietary business information form the core of any franchise system, and are frequently a company’s most valuable assets. Trademarks, including service marks, logos, slogans and trade dress, define the brand identity as presented to the public. The “behind the scenes” business know-how on which the system is built and implemented by franchisees is embodied in a variety of copyrighted and proprietary works – operations manuals, proprietary processes, recipes and formulas, custom software, advertising copy to name a few.

Running a Franchise While Keeping Your Career!

Something that is possible with franchise ownership that may not always work with a start-up business is the ability to maintain your career while you run your business. Although many franchisees rely on their business unit as the basis of their revenue stream, there are more people interested in buying a franchise to generate a second source of income. A flexible franchise option makes this a possibility and can afford some opportunities that other franchises cannot.