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Lead Generation Landing Pages – An example from the mortgage industry

In a previous post, we introduced the concept of homepages and spoke about how they are not necessarily the most visited page on any domain.

Toward the end of the article, I teased that the most important pages on a website were landing pages.

Landing pages are designed to funnel visitors towards a single action, rather than giving them the ability to “choose their own adventure.”

Ultimately online lead generation is all about generating contact information, so it’s up to the designers to coax visitors toward that ultimate event.

(This is in contrast to something more along the lines of branding. For example, Disney may be more interested in simply showing people trailers for their new movies with understanding that the ultimate conversion (buying a movie ticket) will likely occur offline.)

Let’s look at a quick example from the mortgage lead generation industry.

Here’s an example of the Quicken Loans homepage:

Quicken Loans Homepage

Lots of navigation and no real action required.

Now, here’s the page I was taken to when I clicked on a quicken loans advertisement on Google:

Quicken Loans Landing Page

As you can see, it’s a very different experience. Rather than getting to decide what you want to do, you’re driven directly to accomplish one of two things:

  • Call that phone number
  • Fill out the information in the dropdowns and click “Get Started”

Either one of those unequivocally moves the visitor closer toward actually taking out a mortgage.

I didn’t go as far as to call that number, but two screens later, guess what was waiting for me as I filled out my information:

Quicken Loans Contact Form

That’s right, a contact form.

In future posts, we’ll dig more into the theory behind what makes a good landing page, so take this as an introduction.

As you click around the web and research companies such as your customers, take a look at how they use landing pages.

You’d be surprised to find how ubiquitous they are.

And if you want to talk about your own landing page strategy, give us a shout!

Native vs. Traditional Advertising – An Example from the Blogosphere

One of the buzzwords flying around the internet marketing world these days is “native advertising.”

Don’t Click on My Ad! The Paradox of Free Branding

Text ads in LinkedIn appear in a few different places; at the top of the page or on the right rail. Even though they are far less likely to be clicked than sponsored posts, the payment and ad serving mechanism is the same for both ad types. You choose a bid per click and you pay that bid every time a user clicks on one of your ads. The frequency with which your ad is shown is based on the value of your bid relative to bids of other advertisers targeting the same audience.

Our best email of 2015 – And what it teaches us

Well, for 2015 I’m happy to report that we’re probably going to end up sending well over 100 million emails! And that only means that we’ve learned more about how potential franchisees interact with email.