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What sitting in a hallway, real estate, and Facebook ads have in common

Conference Set Up

The past few days, FranchiseHelp had the pleasure of attending the 6th Annual International Franchise Brokers Conference and Expo. As part of our attendance, we were invited to exhibit in the hallway right outside of the exhibition hall. (Franchises that work directly with the brokers were invited to sit in the hall itself.)

As the conference wore on, I noticed that we were receiving quite a bit more visitors to our booth than we usually do at conferences like that. It took me a second to realize it, but I ended up that we were the beneficiaries of rule

1 of real estate: location, location, location.

Rather depending on people to come to us, we came to them! What a concept!

And of course being the franchise marketer that I am, I started to draw a number of similarities to the world of internet advertising.

In terms of Facebook advertising, there are two primary spots that you can be featured, the news feed and the right rail:

Facebook Ad Types

For those who use Facebook regularly, you’ll know that the news feed is full of updates relevant to your life while the right rail is simply advertisements.

So, as a Facebook user, you’re forced to interact with the news feed while the decision as whether or not to interact with the right rail is yours.

So why does that matter? Well, it turns out you see a very different engagement pattern with the news feed relative to the right rail.

Here’s the report of click through rate for the 57 different Facebook campaigns we ran between September and November 2014:

Sep - Nov Facebook CTR by Campaign

The orange bars represent the news feed ads and have an average of a 1.2% click through rate while the right rail ads in grey only have an average of 0.2% click-through rate!

So it turns out that on Facebook, location is everything!

If you place your ads where users have to seek them out, you can expect that traffic will be limited where if you place them where users are anyway, traffic will be much higher.

It works at franchise conferences, real estate, and Facebook. Location, location, location!

Wanna talk about usingFacebook ads tofind franchisees? Let us know here.

Don’t Click on My Ad! The Paradox of Free Branding

Text ads in LinkedIn appear in a few different places; at the top of the page or on the right rail. Even though they are far less likely to be clicked than sponsored posts, the payment and ad serving mechanism is the same for both ad types. You choose a bid per click and you pay that bid every time a user clicks on one of your ads. The frequency with which your ad is shown is based on the value of your bid relative to bids of other advertisers targeting the same audience.

Browser Evolution 2014-2016: A Silent Killer

Over the course of the last few months, we’ve started to pick up our coverage of website design and actually capturing contact information from people visiting your site. You can check out the two most recent articles here:

How Does Retargeting Actually Work?

You know that moment when you realize you keep seeing ads for the same company over and over again, no matter what website you visit? Of course you do.