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Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!
Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!

Making A Difference In Your Community - Rainbow International®

In 2018, natural disasters in the United States totaled a whopping $52 billion in losses. That is a lot of people affected.

When disaster strikes, an entire community must come together to help rebuild. Have you ever wanted to do a little more to support your community?

Home Restoration Services

Something often overlooked is the importance of home restoration services when natural disasters strike. Nobody enjoys a flooded basement, iced up pipes, or kitchens burnt down to a crisp. While we can’t avoid these disasters from happening, we can help to regain normalcy and recover from the damage as quickly as possible.

Opening a Rainbow International® Franchise

Picture this - serving the needs of your community, while being able to run a business? Seems like a pretty good deal! One of the franchises that offer this is Rainbow International® - a post-disaster restoration service franchise for water damage, smoke, fire, and mold in homes. Rainbow International® franchisees all over America have helped families and households work out restoration plans and catalysed their recovery from disasters. 

Apart from simply providing the physical service of restoring houses, the emotional relief provided is significant as well. By taking action in times of crisis, home restoration services is a form of reassurance to families that help is available and damages can be repaired - and this support goes a long, long way.

With over 352 units in operation, Rainbow International® has helped hundreds of households in the States recover from loss by restoring value to homes, as well as stability and peace of mind to their owners. 

Restoration services are not pretty, but very necessary.

Just like how we don’t think about carrying around an umbrella until it actually starts raining, the importance of restoration services is often overlooked until disaster strikes. Is your community in need of home restoration services? You could be the one to help come to the rescue when the time comes!

P.S. Interested in Rainbow International®? Click here and find out a lot more about them, or click here to find other franchises just like them.

And as always, we’re here to chat with you for all things franchising! 

Abigail Chloe Chew is the Digital Marketing and Accounts Specialist at FranchiseHelp. She wants to help someone feel a little happier this Thanksgiving too. 

A Primer on Cooperative Advertising and Outdoor Ads

Larger parties (e.g manufacturers, brands, and franchisors) typically covers the lion’s share of an ad’s cost via reimbursement or in trade. This makes local advertising affordable for your business, while simultaneously lowering out-of-pocket and inventory costs.

My Franchise Agreement is About to Expire – Now What?

The answers to these questions will depend on the language of your specific franchise agreement, although some general principles can be identified:

The Kardashians: Marketing Lessons for Every Business Owner

Kardashian matriarch Kris Jenner has been criticized for “pimping out” her children, but the mother’s shrewd dealings may be a smart move. Of the 10% manager fee Kris takes from her family members’ earnings, daughter Kourtney says, “We’d have to give it to someone else; I’d rather keep it in the family,” and Kim states, “She has this vision for us, and she makes it happen.” In fact, it has been reported that Kris “makes it happen” to the tune of $65 million a year. What can business owners learn from this? When the goal is to build wealth, keep it in the family – all of it.