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Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!
Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!

New Study – Why People Who Run Franchises Are Happier

For more and more people, Sunday no longer feels like the weekend.

A recent poll reports almost 60% of Americans report that they get the Sunday Night Blues "really bad."

So what happened to Sundays?

In short, as professional unhappiness rises in America, it's creeping into your weekends.

Let’s look at a typical weekend to see what happened to the happy Sunday: After a Friday night of resting up after a long week of work, you just had an amazing Saturday. Whether it is a day playing with the kids, seeing friends you haven't seen in a while, or eating at your favorite restaurant, for most people Saturday is still a great day.

Even Sunday got off to a good start, but then come those Sunday Night Blues that 60% of Americans feel.

The good news is that another study has shown how people are reversing these Sunday Night Blues.

According to a quarterly survey by Vistaprint, "the vast majority of micro business owners are optimistic about running their own businesses, with 78 percent reporting that they are either happy or very happy."

This makes sense, as one of the proven keys to happiness is to be a part of something greater than yourself. For many franchise owners, this is the reason why they start a small business in the first place.

They know that the way to take back your Sundays is to take control of Monday – Friday!

So what do you do if you are interested in taking control of your work life but do not know where to start?

Opening a franchise is one way that people are becoming their own bosses and becoming part of the 78% of people that are making their lives more enjoyable. A great place to start is by following the steps below to see if there is a franchise that fits your lifestyle:

Step 1: Click here to see which franchises are looking for owners in your area

Step 2: Select a few franchises that you think would be a good fit for you

Step 3: Get started toward shedding those Sunday Blues!

Why Franchisors Don’t Like Negotiating

The first impression that the franchisee gets from reading the franchise agreement is total incomprehension, unless they are well versed in legal terminologies and phrasing. The FDD is required to be in plain English but the franchise agreement has no such requirement. Typically, the franchisor’s legal department works extremely hard to secure the franchisor’s position through the Agreement and makes it impenetrable for someone who is not a lawyer to understand. The uniform nature of the agreement for all franchisees makes it assumed that the franchisee must sign the agreement so that all the franchisees follow the same terms. Even though that is partially true, the franchisee can plead their case and negotiate terms where they believe that they are offering something unique to the franchisor.

What Industry Should I Explore In 2020?

It’s already a month into the new year and 2020 new year resolutions aside, it is a good time to take a look at your business plans for the year, whether you’re looking to start a new business or buy a franchise. Many budding entrepreneurs still have the big question of which industry has the most potential for them to dive into looming over their heads. If you are one of them, fret not - take a look at some of these insightful trends we have discovered.

Blend Your Way to Success With a Smoothie Franchise

With an increasing emphasis on health-conscious living, consumers are actively seeking nutritious alternatives to traditional fast food. Now is the time to invest in a nutritious alternative to fast food. Find your successful smoothie franchise today!