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What Are The Best Employee Perks That Employers Offer?

Employee perks boost morale

In today's economy,a steady salary, healthy work environment, and comprehensive medical package are as valuable as ever. While these employee benefits are standard, employers are offering further options and opportunities to employees to boost morale and productivity. Invest in your employees, and employers can be paid back with productivity, less employee turnover, and fresh ideas. Here are the best perks you can offer to keep employees engaged and feeling appreciated.

  1. Help Them Help Others: One-for-one matching on charitable donations is common in corporations, but some go even further. Some companies give paid time off for employees to help charities of their choice. Allowing employees time off to make a difference makes them feel like they’re making a difference by working with your company.
  2. Free Food/Beverage: It might seem simple, but a supply of snacks or free sodas can really keep employees happy, especially if they’re Diet Coke addicts. Ordering in lunch during the busy season or on a regularly appointed day saves employees money and your time. Company-sponsored lunch often increases productivity because employees stay in to eat.
  3. Biggest Loser Competition: A workplace competition can boost camaraderie and coworker interaction. Add in a healthy component, such as weight loss and fitness, and you have healthier employees that enjoy working together.
  4. Provide an Activity: Yoga sessions, tickets to a game, a company happy hour, or an after-work movie night at the office can be a fun perk to help employees relieve stress and show a fun side of the company.
  5. Time to Work on Individual Projects: One of the many perks of working at Google is that employees get 20% of their time a week to work on their own projects. Seeing as most workers don’t focus on work 100% of the time, allowing them to assign time to be creative could improve innovation in your company. It could also help produce suggestions that can help your business succeed, as well as new business opportunities and directions.

Sue Funke is a comedic writer with a background in e-commerce. She studied writing at Hofstra University and writes for several online publications. You can see her performances on YouTube or learn more about her online store at

Quantifying Yelp's Impact on the Restaurant Industry

Luca studied the effects of Yelp ratings on the revenue of restaurants and discovered several interesting findings. Studying the relationships of restaurants' revenues to their Yelp reviews in Seattle over a period from 2003 to 2009, he found a significant relationship between a restaurant’s average rating and revenue. One star’s worth of improvement on Yelp leads, he found, on average to an increase of between 5 and 9 percent in revenue. The average rating is more important than the review, as many Yelp users are overwhelmed by the sheer number of reviews on manyrestaurantpages and find it easier to consult the star rating. Luca also found two features which exacerbate the effect on revenue Yelp has. First, the more reviews a restaurant has, the more impact an increase in its Yelp rating will have on its revenue. Second, the more reviews by Yelp “elite” members, the more impact; “elite” reviews have almost twice as much impact as other reviews.

How Sandler Training is Entrepreneur Magazine's #1 Sales Franchise 9 Years Running

Sandler Training offers a distinctive style of training to companies and individuals in the fields of sales, management consulting and leadership development through on-going seminars and workshops. They provide intensive training, a unique lead generation program, on-going day-to-day support and protected territories to help you succeed in business.

McDonald's Is Always Going Strong In the Franchising Industry... Why?

McDonald's has been in the fast food franchising industry for as long as we all can remember! With innovation, a strong brand presence, and consistency they stay strong even when the industry experiences price hikes and more!