Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!
Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!
Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!

Lead Generation Resource Center

People are desperate to find information about opening one of your franchises online. It's time to successfully turn them into franchisees.

You're tired of "portals" being black boxes, and so are we. Welcome to the recipe book, FranchiseHelp's "secret sauce." Learn everything there is to know about how online lead generation is successfully done for your franchise.

Posts tagged with "lead-gen-step-2"

The Death of "Franchising"

Before we get to the meat of today's topic, let’s play a quick game of word association. I’ll say (write) a word, and then you say (think) the first things that come to your mind.

How We Know Our Franchise Matching Quiz Is Working

If you’ve perused FranchiseHelp in the past 9 months, you’ve noticed a bit of a change in some of the ways that we acquire leads.

Why are people interested in opening franchises? (It's pretty simple, actually...)

For example, a “car guy” is far more likely to want to open an automotive franchise than a tutoring franchise.

My Ideal A/B Test (That I Can’t Run But You Can)

It seems that a day doesn’t go by that two of us aren't vigorously arguing the merits of each, comparing and contrasting strategies that pit these two forms of communication against each other.

Chip Kelly Wouldn’t Like Average Time on Site Either

Chip Kelly, the current coach of the Philadelphia Eagles, is one of this generation’s great football innovators. Starting with his college coaching days at New Hampshire and then the University of Oregon, Kelly’s offenses were all about speed.

Lead Generation Landing Pages – An example from the mortgage industry

Toward the end of the article, I teased that the most important pages on a website were landing pages.

How FranchiseHelp Makes Our Site Look Different On Your Phone

If you’re still worried exclusively about what your website looks like on a desktop, you are falling behind the curve at a faster and faster clip. Some companies are even starting to eschew a desktop strategy completely in favor of mobile – think Instagram.

City and State Fields – What are they good for? Absolutely nothing.

One topic that we discuss over and over here at FranchiseHelp is contact forms.

“My Conversion Rate’s Too High” -- The Affordability Conundrum

Usually, when I’m writing on the topic of turning visitors into leads, I share tips and tricks for how we think about raising conversion rate i.e. getting more people who visit your site to fill out a form.