Lead generation resource center

People are desperate to find information about opening one of your franchises online. It's time to successfully turn them into franchisees.

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An Online Lesson From Offline Marketing

I’d say that we have a bit of an odd curiosity with offline marketing here at FranchiseHelp. In one way, we’re completely obsessed with marketing in general. On the other hand, we really don’t know much about how the majority of marketing dollars are spent in the world.

Google Knowledge Graph Is Actually Reaching Franchises

What is the knowledge graph is layman’s term?When you do a Google search that’s fairly popular, you’re now completely used to seeing it. You just didn't know what it was.

Specializing in Franchise SEO? Not So Fast.

However, perhaps our favorite side benefit of the annual trip is when we get to walk the convention floor and see all the other businesses that service the franchise industry. Law, staffing, background checking, security, media, financial, data, sales, marketing, and just about every other type of company has a presence.

Browser Evolution 2014-2016: A Silent Killer

Over the course of the last few months, we’ve started to pick up our coverage of website design and actually capturing contact information from people visiting your site. You can check out the two most recent articles here:

Going Mobile. (It’s Time for You to Redesign Your Franchise’s Website.)

The Who may have been quite prescient for 1971 when they penned this decade's theme for online franchise lead generation:

So Long Google Right Rail! Franchisors Rejoice!

Although I doubt anyone out there has been living under a rock for the last decade, but just in case I have a stray reader or two, I wanted to remind everyone that GOOGLE IS A BIG DEAL!

How franchise lead generation is NOT like the lottery – And why you think it is

Franchise lead generation is sometimes (incorrectly) compared to a lottery: A franchisor is paying a relatively small sum of money to purchase an individual lead (“buying a ticket”) in the hopes that this lead will ultimately turn out to be their next franchisee (“a lottery ticket that pays out”). Based on this simple comparison of a lottery & franchise lead generation, it's easy to see why a franchise could consider lead generation as a lottery.

Text Messaging Is Absolutely Eating Phone Call's Lunch

When given the choice between communicating via phone call vs. text message, nearly 90% of users choose text message. What does this mean for franchise sales?

The Online Battle between the NFL and Franchisors Extends Beyond the Cowboys

This article is a continuation of our plan to review the most popular articles from the first 18 months of the LGRC.