Lead Generation Resource Center
People are desperate to find information about opening one of your franchises online. It's time to successfully turn them into franchisees.
You're tired of "portals" being black boxes, and so are we. Welcome to the recipe book, FranchiseHelp's "secret sauce." Learn everything there is to know about how online lead generation is successfully done for your franchise.
“Franchising” May Be More Dead Than I Thought
Since then, I’ve received lots of positive and negative feedback on that article. Some people seem to think that I undersold my point, while others pointed to the fact that overall interest may be waning but interest amongst the most important groups was increasing.
Why “Recession-Proof” Is A Terrible Way To Advertise Your Franchise
Notice how the past few weeks are not only quite lower than the rest of the year but also how the magnitude of the short term changes (both up and down) have been increased in the past little while.
The Death of "Franchising"
Before we get to the meat of today's topic, let’s play a quick game of word association. I’ll say (write) a word, and then you say (think) the first things that come to your mind.
What Your Franchise Category Tells You About Digital Marketing
The assumption is that all potential franchisees in the big wide world in the Internet conjure the same mental image when they hear “franchise” or “franchising.” Obviously there a lot of people on the Internet, and a lot of different interpretations of any word, so how do you cover all of your bases? A good person to first appeal to is your average consumer, meet “Bob.”
Why are people interested in opening franchises? (It's pretty simple, actually...)
For example, a “car guy” is far more likely to want to open an automotive franchise than a tutoring franchise.
“My Conversion Rate’s Too High” -- The Affordability Conundrum
Usually, when I’m writing on the topic of turning visitors into leads, I share tips and tricks for how we think about raising conversion rate i.e. getting more people who visit your site to fill out a form.
An Email Autoresponder That Didn't Work and Why
One of the best places to work on improving your conversion rates is the e-mail auto-responder.
My best email subject line this year (sort of)
It is nearly impossible to over-state the importance of an email's subject line. In my days as a franchise marketer, I've written well into the thousands of subject lines.
What are different ways to think about retargeting people who visit my franchise’s website but do not convert?
One of the tried and true facts of franchise lead generation is that it generally takes a big leap of faith for someone to seriously consider opening a franchise.