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Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!
Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!

A Split Test That Shows The Power of One Word

For part of our franchise selection experience, we use a selection button as one of our calls to action. Essentially for a user to select one of the franchises on our category pages, they must click a button:

Category Page with Add CTA Highlighted

We thought that the word “Add” we originally used for copy of the button may have been a little too e-commercy. (That is definitely not a word.) We really needed a user to express real interest in opening a franchise, so we ran a test where we sent 1/3 of each of our traffic to a webpage coded up with buttons that said different things.

Control (“Add”):

Add CTA for Franchise Selection

Test 1 (“Interested”):

Interested CTA for Franchise Selection

Test 2 (“I Am Interested”):

I Am Interested CTA for Franchise Selection

Any guesses as to which one won? (Ok, you could definitely cheat by looking at our website...)

Here were the results:

CTA Copy Change Split Test Results

Can you believe it? 18% higher conversions from people who were shown the "Interested."

Can you imagine having a 18% more efficient strategy simply by changing one word? The answer is YES!

Have a question about this A/B Test or A/B Testing in general? Click here to ask us a question.

FranchiseHope: How Zoomin’ Groomin’ Mobile Pet Service Is Teaching An Old Industry New Tricks

Every franchise can glean wisdom from this brand’s proven track record of success. Think about how these tips apply to your own business, and you too can teach an old industry new tricks.

Upon Seeing a BellSouth.Net Email Address

Not only does everyone have an account, but it seems that many people’s primary form of communication has also become email. A new form of communication only 20 years ago, it has blown past every other form of communication, especially telephone calls, in a way that few could’ve predicted.

The Four Things Every Franchise Professional Says Yes To

We’ll take a break today from our usually super-analytical tone today to speak about something a little less “numbersy.” It's hard getting franchise professionals to say yes, but one of these four messages should cut through the noise.