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Lead Generation Resource Center

People are desperate to find information about opening one of your franchises online. It's time to successfully turn them into franchisees.

You're tired of "portals" being black boxes, and so are we. Welcome to the recipe book, FranchiseHelp's "secret sauce." Learn everything there is to know about how online lead generation is successfully done for your franchise.

Posts tagged with "legacy"

“My Conversion Rate’s Too High” -- The Affordability Conundrum

Usually, when I’m writing on the topic of turning visitors into leads, I share tips and tricks for how we think about raising conversion rate i.e. getting more people who visit your site to fill out a form.

Evergreen Franchise Content i.e. Our Most Popular Blog Post

Anyway, today we’re looking at evergreen content. Here’s a good video that coversthe idea:

What’s an Email “Click Map” and Why it Matters

For certain emails, the main purpose is branding. The goal of these emails is very high distribution and are traditionally evaluated using open rate as the primary metric.

What We’ve Learned Sending 6,636 Text Messages in the Past 4 Months

It seems like just yesterday that text messages were “on the rise.” And now, at the end of 2014, text messaging seems to be nearly ubiquitous.

An Email Autoresponder That Didn't Work and Why

One of the best places to work on improving your conversion rates is the e-mail auto-responder.

A Split Test That Shows The Power of One Word

For part of our franchise selection experience, we use a selection button as one of our calls to action. Essentially for a user to select one of the franchises on our category pages, they must click a button:

Five Terrible Franchising Display Ads and One That Worked

For those of you who have been in the internet game for a long time, you know way more than I do about display ads. It seems that as long as people have been clicking around the internet, there have been advertisements ready to meet them. Anyone remember when banner ads used to look something like this?

It's Franchise "Buying" not "Selling"

Recently, we came across this video from the Franchise Performance Group on how we need to think about franchise lead generation from the perspective of franchise “buying” rather than the usual tactics of franchise “sales.” We hope you enjoy:

"Franchise" Phrase Match on Adwords -- A Necessary Evil?

There a number of pros and cons of phrase match, but I'm going to boil it down to a single set of issues.