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18 Questions for Potential Franchisees to Ask Themselves: Part 1

Franchises are among the most profitable business options available, but potential franchisees often have no idea what they should know or ask themselves before they get started in franchising. We've talked to franchisors and franchisees to compile this list (In a two-part series) of the 18 questions you must ask yourself as you explore getting into franchising.

1. Where will the business be LOCATED?

In the city, suburbs, the countryside? This is an important item to consider as some franchise concepts make more sense in dense metropolitan areas whereas others may have a higher likelihood of success in less dense areas where real estate costs aren't as high. In addition, certain franchise concepts only allow midwest franchising, or west coast franchising, so that would be something to explore.

2. Do I want to COMMUTE?

If so, what are the time limits? You shouldn't stretch yourself to the absolute maximum your body can perform, as you will need all the energy you have for running your franchise and making sure it succeeds. If a commute is something you can't stand, don't let it become part of your new life.


If you feel you work best from the comfort of your own home, it may be easier for you to work with franchise concepts that have a clear system in place to run the business from home. But do your research: home-based franchises may turn out to be a terrible choice for you (read up on how to determine if you're right for a home-based franchise).

4. How many DAYS OF THE WEEK do I want to work?

Six or seven? How many hours per day? Often, different franchisors will require different levels of involvement, so owning a Pinkberry franchise may differ significantly from running a UPS Store franchise.


Do you want to really be involved in the growth of your business, or would you rather let someone else manage your franchise? Many franchise concepts require the franchisee to be involved in the day-to-day operations of the franchise, whereas some franchisors allow for passive ownership.

6. Is there a SPECIFIC INDUSTRY I want to work in?

This does not always have to be an industry that you have previous experience in. Many fast food franchises do not want to work with people who have previous experience in the restaurant business because they want to work with people they can train who will work within the existing system. Other industries (for example, some tax preparation franchises) may require previous experience or even a professional certification (e.g., a CPA).

7. Are there any industries, products, or services that I will NOT WORK WITH under any circumstances?

If you have religious or moral restrictions against eating or selling meat, for example, you may want to steer clear of the Arby's franchise opportunity. On the other hand, if you feel hesitation about the franchise you're interested in buying because you're not sure you've got what it takes, it really helps to go visit with and talk to other franchise owners to understand their experiences.

8. Are there ANY SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES that you are most passionate about?

For example, health nuts may have a deep interest in health/wellness franchises or a person that is interested in the environment may be best served pursuing a green franchise. Combining your personal interests with a franchise that matches often goes a long way towards achieving success.


Is this important to you?

To learn more about franchise opportunities, visit us at FranchiseHelp.

Sipping Success: The Sweet World of Boba Tea Franchises

In the ever-evolving landscape of franchising, few industries have captivated taste buds and entrepreneurial aspirations quite like boba tea. This delicious, colorful, unique and innovative beverage has taken the world by storm, and entrepreneurs are increasingly recognizing the lucrative potential of boba tea franchises.

Why Franchisors Don’t Like Negotiating

The first impression that the franchisee gets from reading the franchise agreement is total incomprehension, unless they are well versed in legal terminologies and phrasing. The FDD is required to be in plain English but the franchise agreement has no such requirement. Typically, the franchisor’s legal department works extremely hard to secure the franchisor’s position through the Agreement and makes it impenetrable for someone who is not a lawyer to understand. The uniform nature of the agreement for all franchisees makes it assumed that the franchisee must sign the agreement so that all the franchisees follow the same terms. Even though that is partially true, the franchisee can plead their case and negotiate terms where they believe that they are offering something unique to the franchisor.

Steps to Select and Protect a Valuable Trademark

The first thing to keep in mind when selecting a trademark is that not all words and names are capable of being protected as trademarks. No one business owner can claim exclusive rights in generic terms and logos, because all business owners need to be able to use these in order to identify their goods or services. Thus, a residential painting franchise likely could not claim exclusive rights in the name “Painting Pros”, because this is simply a generic description of the services that the business offers.