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Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!
Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!

Lead Generation Resource Center

People are desperate to find information about opening one of your franchises online. It's time to successfully turn them into franchisees.

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Posts tagged with "ad-buying"

3 FAQs about Native Ads (Including Examples from Franchise Lead Gen)

One of our loyal readers recently submitted a comment asking for more articles about native advertising. Ask and ye shall receive!

Native vs. Traditional Advertising – An Example from the Blogosphere

One of the buzzwords flying around the internet marketing world these days is “native advertising.”

I'm Falling In Love With Facebook

If you’re like most, you probably assume that social media is a marketing channel full of thirteen year old girls.

Reddit for Franchises: An Introduction and an Example

As your franchise searches for more and most importantly different sources of traffic to drive to your website, the conversation will likely eventually turn to Reddit.

This Just In: SEM CPCs Keep Going Up

What is a click really? Think about trying to explain the concept of a click to your great-grandparents? If anyone has a good definition for a click, make sure to let me know.

What sitting in a hallway, real estate, and Facebook ads have in common

The past few days, FranchiseHelp had the pleasure of attending the 6th Annual International Franchise Brokers Conference and Expo. As part of our attendance, we were invited to exhibit in the hallway right outside of the exhibition hall. (Franchises that work directly with the brokers were invited to sit in the hall itself.)

Branded Search for Franchises – The First Adwords You Should Buy

As I thought about it, I Googled his franchise and was met with a very troubling finding. When you searched for “fresh u franchise,” you weren’t met with any results relative to Fresh U.

Why did you click on my ad? A franchise advertiser’s Google lament.

(I’ll warn you in advance, you’re going to lose a bit of faith in search engine marketing as you read through this post, so beware)

Five Terrible Franchising Display Ads and One That Worked

For those of you who have been in the internet game for a long time, you know way more than I do about display ads. It seems that as long as people have been clicking around the internet, there have been advertisements ready to meet them. Anyone remember when banner ads used to look something like this?