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Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!
Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!

One Week Worth of Email Subject Line Tests

One thing I can tell you about our business is that we send a lot of email!

The cool thing about it is that it's free -- kind of. (As of this writing,we pay Mailchimp to help us with our delivery and list management). But the point is that email is an incredibly inexpensive marketing vehicle relative to some of your other options out there.

The awesome thing about email (for us nerdy marketers anyway) is that you can test lots and lots of different parts of the message including:

The email world is your oyster.

Anyway, we thought that we'd share the results from some of the emails we sent toward the beginning of September. The data below is specially for the various subject lines and how they performed from an open and click rate perspective.

Results of Email Subject Line Tests

As you can see, we didn't exactly have a lot of successful tests during that week. With the exception of email #1, the control subject outperformed the experiment. (I guess you could say that #4 was close to a tie!)

But it's this (sometimes frustrating)process of testing trial and error (split testing subject lines, varying copy length and style, and so much more) that, over time, can ultimately drive amazing email success for your brand.

Have a question about split testing emails or subject lines? Shoot us a note.

My Ideal A/B Test (That I Can’t Run But You Can)

It seems that a day doesn’t go by that two of us aren't vigorously arguing the merits of each, comparing and contrasting strategies that pit these two forms of communication against each other.

The Changing Realities of Phone Calls to Potential Franchisees

Before I dive into the details of the types of behavior we’ve been seeing recently here at FranchiseHelp, I want you to think about one question.

The Week That Franchising Sleeps

You of course feel that the last week of the year is the slowest in franchising, but here’s a quick look at the data behind it.