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Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!
Identify the perfect franchise for you! Take our short quiz Take our free franchise quiz!

Franchisee Resource Center

Your headquarters for guidance and information on researching, finding, and launching a franchise.

Whether you are just starting to look into franchise ownership or are ready to figure out financing options our courses will give you the information you need to be ready to become a franchise owner.

We'll help you quickly build your franchise ownership profile, then present you with a personalized list of franchises you can open - based on your goals, investment budget, interests, and more!

Most Recent

What Experience Do I Need To Open A Franchise?

A very common question with no easy answer. The kind and amount of experience you need depends on the franchise you’re looking to buy into, of course. However, here are some common themes to help guide your search.

Due Diligence for a Franchisee

So you’ve decided that you want to buy a franchise - great! You’re one step closer to owning your own business. Then, of course, the next step will be to do your franchise due diligence. We talk all about due diligence here.

Making A Difference In Your Community - Rainbow International®

Picture this - serving the needs of your community, while being able to run a business? Seems like a pretty good deal! One of the franchises that offers this is Rainbow International® - a post-disaster restoration service franchise for water damage, smoke, fire, and mold in homes.

Territorial Issues and Franchising

Did you know how important picking a good location is when buying a franchise? Read on to find out more!

The Phenomenon of Accidental Franchising

Ever heard of the phenomenon of 'accidental franchising'? Check out this article to find out a lot more about it.

At the Intersection of Office Coffee, Subscription Revenue, and Opportunity

In a $400+ billion global coffee market, office coffee-as-a-service remains the great untapped opportunity (cold brew pun intended). 

Should You Open a Coffee Shop Franchise?

At FranchiseHelp, we see thousands of visitors each month from budding entrepreneurs who think that selling coffee to their fellow caffeine addicts could make for an exciting and lucrative venture. 

Rebuilding Michigan Through Franchising

Juggling work and a degree is no easy task. But that didn’t stop Timothy Rice, a serial entrepreneur and owner of multiple franchises. He studied at the University of Michigan for over 10 years to earn a degree in consumer behavior, economics, and public relations. Upon graduating in 2005, Rice entered the corporate world, but quickly found that it was not a match with his skills or his lifestyle.

Advanced Franchise Accounting Terminology

If learning about things like GAAP accounting, revenue recognition policies, and the intricacies of cost vs. expenses fires you up, you're going to love this post.